St. Marks Evangelical Lutheran Church

St. Mark's Adopt-a-Highway Program
Ohio is a beautiful state and has one of the most efficient and safe highway systems in the nation. Every year, Ohio becomes more populated and the volume of traffic increases, which leads to an increase of litter. The Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Recycling & Litter Prevention conducted a study during the fall of 2003 and the spring of 2004, and discovered that the total annual estimated roadside litter in Ohio for all road types and interchanges is 11,772 tons.
The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) maintains thousands of miles of roadway, 152 rest areas and 11 travel information centers to make travel more pleasant. Each year, within District 7 alone, over 20 tons of trash is collected from our highways. This is an important and costly job to keep our state beautiful.
St. Marks has adopted a two mile stretch of 25A (Dixie Hwy;) between Wapak and Cridersville. This is a youth driven activity carefully supervised by the Christian education committee and members of the congregation. The next litter control event will be posted on this page, the calendar, and our events page. Please sign-up or contact the church office.