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Consecration Weekend

On Saturday November 9th and on Sunday November 10th we will celebrate Consecation Weekend. Pastor Ken Pollitz will be our guest preacher that day as he leads us through a time of consecrating (giving to God) our money. Following the worship services on both Satirday night and on Sunday morning there will be a Thankoffering Meal hosted by The New Beginnings Learning Acadmeny and its director Amanda Wilder. Amanda wishes to express her appreciation for St. Mark’s se of the building and our mutual ministry andso she is hosting this meal at no cost to as a thank you gift. She will have a brief powerpoint presentation in order that you might see some of the activities of the preschoolers.

Advent Service Dates

Our Midweek Advent Services will be held on the first three Wednesdays in December: December 4, 11, and 18. There will be a short service held on each of those days at 7:00pm with a meal beforehand starting at 6:00pm in the Fellowship Hall. A chairlift is available so that all are able to attend. The first meal will be provided by the Worship & Music Committee, the second by the Kitchen Committee, and the third by the Church Council. 

October Loaves & Fishes

Lunch & Learn

The November Lunch & Learn is being held at Trinity Lutheran Church in Moulton on Thursday, November 21, at noon. There will be a lunch provided by The Rolling Pin, a presentation about healthy aging from the Community Outreach Program by Lima Memorial Health System, a short time of spiritual renewal, and door prizes! Please invite a friend and RSVP to Darlene Risner, 419-202-5553, by Monday, November 18.

New Beginnings Learning Academy
New Door Decals

Thanksgiving Community Dinner

St. Joseph Parish Life Center will be hosting a Thanksgiving Community Dinner on Thursday, November 28. They will be serving plated meals from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm and serving boxed carry-out meals starting at 12:30 pm. Dine-in menu includes turkey with gravy, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans, cranberries, applesauce, roll with butter, and dessert pies. Boxed meals will include turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans, and a roll with butter. If you would like a meal delivered to your house on that day, please contact the church office by Monday, November 25.

Also, St. Mark’s has been invited to provide 15 pies for the meal. The request is for ready to serve pies that do not require refrigeration (as oven and refrigerator space are limited). Pies may be dropped off until 9:00 pm on Wednesday, November 27, or from 6:00 am to 9:00 am on Thursday at the St. Joseph Parish Life Center. Please contact the church office if you can provide one or more of those pies. Thank you for your generosity!

All Saint’s Sunday


All Saint’s Day is November 1. On this day we remember all who have died since All Saint’s Day the year before. In this service of remembrance we recall that Christ raises the dead to life and transforms them so that sorrow and sighing and sin are no more. This day becomes a time to remember, to grieve and to seek comfort from the promise of the resurrection. This year at the worship services on November 2 and 3 we are remembering the following church members who died this year:

David Helmlinger – January 28, 2024

Georgia Fox – February 12, 2024

Judy Winter – February 23, 2024

Joy Ault – April 8, 2024

Thelma Hunlock – June 16, 2024

Doug Sorensen – June 27, 2024

Janice Riefstahl – October 2, 2024

In addition, we will read aloud the names of anyone else who died this past year. Please contact the church office with the following information:

Remembering on All Saint’s Day Those Who Died since Nov. 1, 2023

Deceased name:           _________________________________________

Your Name:              _________________________________________

Your relationship to the deceased: _________________________________________

Place in offering plate or put on the Administrative Assistant’s desk.

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Baptism of Sophia Roseanne Kinninger

On Sunday, October 13, Sophia Roseanne Kinninger, daughter of Courtney and Andrew Kinninger, was baptized. Her godparents are Chris (Andrew’s brother) and Victoria Kinninger. Sophia was born on March 11, 2024.










Women’s Fall Retreat

Carol Pretorius is hosting our second annual women's retreat at her home on November 2 for interested women from St. Mark's and St. Peter.  Plan to arrive between 9:00-9:30 am. The retreat should end around 3:00 pm.  We will use a similar format from last year with introductions, Bible Study, lunch, and crafts.  Carol will provide sloppy joes.  If you want to coordinate with several others to bring a side dish, that would be appreciated. If interested in attending, please RSVP to Carol at 419-512-4490.  

Servant’s Day Projects

In October, we had several more Servant’s Day projects get finished up. Thank you to all who worked on the various projects!




























Every Sunday, Pastor Doug leads a youth sermon, and this month’s sermons have been packed with fun! To the right, view Ella Price taking pictures of the group. Below, view Dom Cummins and Ben Wilson acting as angels in the story of the Ark of the Covenant.



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